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Pontypool office address

Citizens Advice Torfaen
Portland Buildings
Commercial Street

All buses that pass through Pontypool stop within 100 meters of us, we are accessible from Abergavenny, Blaenavon, Cwmbran, Newport & Cardiff. If you are travelling by train you are advised to alight at Cwmbran Station, walk 5 minutes to the Bus Station and catch the X24 to Pontypool (every 20 mins).

There are various free car parks within 5 minutes walk of our office, we recommend the top deck of the Riverside Car Park, exit on the level with the road, turn left and its a short walk through the pedestrianised shopping area and straight on to Commercial Street.

Opening times

Monday9.30 – 3.30
Tuesday9.30 – 3.30
Wednesday9.30 – 3.30
Thursday9.30 – 3.30
Friday9.30 – 3.30